The First Bridge
Everybody knows that Budapest originated as two cities, Buda and Pest,
separated by the Danube.
There was no permanent connection between them until 1849, when this
bridge - designed by an Englishman and built by a Scotsman - was
completed. The view is from Buda, looking towards Pest.
The scenic part of Buda is a fortified hilltop,
seen here from another bridge.
Buda's fortifications are picturesque, though
not very old. By the way, it would have been easy
to edit out that nasty blue telescope which mars
the picture. Do you think I should have, like this? Or
would you prefer to see Buda as it really is?
Hungary's parliament building, in Pest, from the
ramparts of Buda.
Although Pest is flat and not as photogenic as Buda,
it is well worth visiting. It has a very good art
gallery, overlooking Hősök Square.